At The Laura Centre, we’re proud to work closely with a range of organisations that specialise in assisting adults who have experienced the unimaginable loss of a child. Whether you’re seeking emotional support or practical advice, these organisations have been founded to provide comfort and assistance as you navigate the complex emotions of grief. 

Below, we have collated a list of useful contacts for adults who have been bereaved to remind you that help is just a click or call away.

You can also download this guide in a PDF format here.

At A Loss 

At A Loss helps bereaved people find support and wellbeing. As a national signpost website, they can help you find bereavement services and counselling nearby. 

Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK helps children, young people and families rebuild their lives when a child dies. They provide confidential bereavement support, a national helpline and training to professionals in health and social care, education and the emergency services.

Cruse Bereavement Support 

Cruse provides a range of bereavement support options through their website and national helpline. To ensure that everyone grieving gets the help they need in a way that works for them, they also provide one-to-one therapy. 

Hospice UK

Hospice UK is focused on end of life care. They work to ensure that people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, helping individuals make plans for end of life.

The Good Grief Trust 

Founded by Linda Magistris after the loss of her partner, The Good Grief Trust works to ensure that no-one has to suffer unnecessarily because they can’t access bereavement support.


Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. They’re guided by 20,000 trained listening volunteers who respond to calls for help.


Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to support anyone affected by the death of a baby, before, during or shortly after birth. They provide a bereavement helpline and UK-wide network of support groups.

Sue Ryder 

Sue Ryder provides support to people living with neurological conditions and terminal illness, and for anyone experiencing bereavement after losing somebody. 

Survivors Of Bereavement By Suicide

Survivors Of Bereavement By Suicide offers peer-led support to adults impacted by suicide loss. They aim to provide safe, confidential environments where people can share their experiences and feelings, giving and gaining support from each other. 

Widowed & Young 

Widowed & Young is the only national charity in the UK for people aged 50 or under when their partner dies. It’s a peer-to-peer support group operating with a network of volunteers who have been bereaved at a young age. 

Winston’s Wish 

Winston’s Wish provides emotional and practical bereavement support to children, young people up to the age of 25 and those who care for them. They also provide online resources and training for professionals. 

If you have lost a child, The Laura Centre is here to help. Reach out to our dedicated team to find out more.