Our bereavement training is tailored to the unique needs of your organisation.

At The Laura Centre, we offer made to measure bereavement training courses across the heart of the UK. Delivered by professional counsellors and therapists, our programmes are designed to increase your understanding, knowledge and confidence in providing both effective communication and support to bereaved individuals.

Last year, Child Bereavement UK found that one child under 18 loses a parent every 22 minutes. However, most educators, business owners and healthcare practitioners aren’t effectively trained to manage bereavement, nor the impact that grief can make.

Our bereavement training courses provide assistance in this setting, arming you with the skills to build a solid foundation for support.

What Training Do We Offer?

Training For Education
Training For Education
We work closely with educators and school counsellors to provide bereavement training. Planned with your students in mind, our bespoke training is flexible and formulated to suit your school’s needs.
Training For Businesses
Training For Businesses
In the workplace, we work closely with HR departments to deliver training programmes tailored to your employees. Our bereavement training can be held at the office, or virtually through Teams.
Training Events
Training Events
On Tuesday 17th June 2025, learn about the needs of bereaved children, bereavement theories and different types of grief. with Lisa Patel and Sandip Binning. Click here to learn more or purchase a ticket.

Holistic Bereavement Supervision For Those In Supportive Roles

At The Laura Centre, we provide supervision to a varied range of groups and individuals within the counselling, medical and social care sector. This specialised form of mentoring forms part of our family support services, and is provided to safeguard the wellbeing of the client and ensure that their needs are being addressed.

Our bereavement supervisors can help you identify opportunities for development through a supportive review process. They are each recognised by professional bodies, including the BACP and UKCP, and work within ethical guidelines to maintain the highest of standards.

Enquire About Bespoke Training

Contact The Laura Centre to find out more about our bereavement training opportunities.