Running Event Application Form

Please use the form below to apply for a place in The London Marathon 2026 or The Leicester Half Marathon & 10k 2025. The information contained on the form will be passed to a member of our team who will get in touch with you at a later date to advise whether or not you have been successful. Thank you.

Unfortunately all of our places for the London Marathon have been filled. We can, if you wish add you to our reserve list. If you would like to be added please continue with this form. If not please exit this page. Please be aware that adding you to the reserve list does not constitute the offer of a place.
If you are successful in obtaining a place what size running vest would you need?
What level of fundraising do you expect to reach? Please note that for The Big Half we expect £500 to be the minimum
What level of fundraising do you expect to reach? Please note that for The London Marathon we would expect a minimum of £1500
What level of fundraising do you expect to reach? Please note that for The Run Leicester events we would expect a minimum of £200
Does your employer operate a 'Matched Giving' scheme?
Please select which type of plan your employer operates.
Is there any other information that you would like us to know that would aid your application in being successful (e.g why you selected The Laura Centre, your employer uses a different type of 'matched giving' than specified on this form, NB this could double your raised amount). If the event is oversubscribed this information could make the difference between getting a place and going on the reserve list.